Author’s Bio

For the purpose of this blog, there is really only one thing you need to know about me.

I live in suburban Australia.

No point mentioning which one. They're all about as climate friendly as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch so when you’re reading this blog, you can just assume I am talking specifically about your suburb or town. I have no doubt your neighbours are just like mine.

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P.S. That includes anyone living in Melbourne's inner north. The smugly green residents of those suburbs are on a personal mission to convert a million trees into compostable single-serve coffee cups, most of which do not end up nourishing a compost pile. They are very much included in the message of this blog.

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P.P.S. The message of this blog is that people, in general, are very disappointing.

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P.P.S.S. I assume you’re still reading because you’re expecting that, at some point on this page, you’ll learn more about the author. Unfortunately, this is going to end in disappointment.

I'm not going to fill this Author’s Bio page with details about my work history, education, hobbies, or some other form of shameless boasting masked as ‘fun facts about me’. This is not a job interview nor a dating profile. I certainly don’t need any more friends.

If you want to know anything else about me, read the blog or the FAQ section. Expecting to come here and get my full backstory is, quite frankly, a little nosy. After all, I don't know anything about you.

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P.P.P.S.S. That last comment was not meant as an invitation. Please don't email me your life story.

The Quiet Environmentalist