
If you need to get in touch with me for some reason (I'd prefer it if you didn't), you need to fill in that box below.

Please include your email address. Not so that I can respond to you. It just makes it easier to add people to my Stupid Questions Repeat Offender list.

Reasonable questions may appear on my FAQs page. I created that page so people would stop asking me the same questions all the time. This didn't work, but at least now I can refer people there before adding them to the offender list.

Even if you're a very sensible sort of person (a fellow quiet environmentalist even), I may not respond. Partly because I am quite busy, but mostly because corresponding with human beings is unpleasant. I generally try to avoid it.

Whether you hear back from me or not, I have certainly read your email. There is nothing more insufferable than being informed by your Gmail account that you have (36) unread emails.

Rest assured, your email has been read, considered, caused considerable incomprehensible muttering, and been filed into the most appropriate folder.

Thank you for getting in touch.

The Quiet Environmentalist